





1. Explanation of how to prepare the Frog for the following frog experiments: A02, A03 and A04. (青蛙制备)
2. Stimulate the frog gastrocnemius muscle and record threshold voltage and contractile responses. Option: Stimulate the muscle via the sciatic (somatic motor) nerve. (青蛙腓肠肌的电刺激)
3. Use the BSLSTM template if you have a BSLSTM stimulator and the BSLSTMA template if you have the newer BSLSTMA stimulator. Record compound action potentials of the dissected sciatic (somatic motor) nerve.  (青蛙坐股神经刺激反应)
4. Record cardiac rate and contractile responses of the surgically exposed frog heart. Option: Study the effects of chronotropic/inotropic agents on autonomic control of heart rate. (青蛙心率及心脏收缩)
5. To study the effects of media ionic composition, temperature, and various pharmacological agents on the contraction of the visceral smooth muscle of the rabbit ileum.(兔肠平滑肌收缩反应)