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会议主题:How to Create a Stimulus Presentation Paradigm in VR


Creating a Stimulus Presentation experiment in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment is a technique used in many different life science research protocols. After showcasing the possibilities in last month’s online event, we will now demonstrate how to develop a VR experiment while integrating physiological data into the paradigm.    

BIOPAC will present a basic template for creating an experiment in VR. A participant will interact with sequentially presented 3D objects, then we will analyze the physiological and behavioral responses. In this specific example, food items will be presented, but the paradigm could be modified for other stimulus presentations. Join us!

What You Will Learn:

  • How to create a VR experiment with physiology data from start to finish
  • A sample workflow for working with 3D models, adding sounds, creating user interactions, and coding
  • How to design the experiment so data is easy to analyze
  • How to automatically analyze the data

With this knowledge, you can build a plan and begin work on an optimized VR + Physiology experiment.
